Tuesday, 19 March 2019

Your Daily Word Prompt, Besmirch.

I was actually prompted to write this post when I read a post by Pensivity 101 called God's Waiting Room where she was bemoaning the service from her local doctor and my reply became longer than intended so I decided to use it as a post instead.

I am not going to besmirch my local doctor's service as I don't have to use it too often, however getting a repeat prescription on time is like getting blood from a stone.

Image result for bleeding stone

I'm lucky in that I only have the one check up per year, I think they only call you in to check you're alive but my biggest problem with the doctors is getting repeat prescriptions.

They have a dispensary on site so in the old days you would put your prescription in the box on the counter and two or at the most three days later your medicine would be ready.

Over the years it now takes longer and longer for the medicine to be ready and I now do it on line as it seems to be a little better organised but it still takes about seven working days and if you forget to calculate the non working days into the equation it takes even longer.

If it continues like this I can see having to go and pick up the monthly medicine and go straight home and order the next moth just to be sure you will get it in time.

Very frustrating but I suppose we have to be philosophical and compare it to other countries in the world where they can't get any medicine at all.


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