Friday 8 March 2019

Daily Word Press Nobility.

I have been prompted to use this post again as it's ideal for the subject of nobility which is the subject for today's Daily Word Prompt and also to test my new found skills in creating pingbacks, although I am uncertain if this Blogger site will pingback to a Wordpress site, we shall see.

I have a confession, due to a joke which I first shared with my friends some time in the 1980’s, I have been masquerading as a Lord. This was originally started due to my being adopted when I was one year old and as many adopted people I had delusions of grandeur and was always waiting for my birth father The Marquis of Bath to turn up and bestow the county of Berkshire upon me. Needless to say he never came, but the Lord Joe Wells stuck.
I am proud to announce that I am no longer a charlatan as I have been awarded a Lordship from the Principality of Sealand, an old wartime fort off the English coast far enough out to be in international waters which has declared itself a principality.
Here is a copy of my registration deed as proof.

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