Friday 16 March 2018

Nothing's happened!

The more eagle eyed amongst you may have noticed I haven't blogged anything on this site for a few days and indeed you would be right, I have however been busy on my other blog called The Diary of a Country Bunpkin the link to which I shall add here, as I wouldn't want you to think I was shirking my responsibilities and sitting on my posterior doing nothing.

On my other blog I take part in the daily prompt whereby a word is suggested each day as the topic for you to write about and I have to admit that finding a topic is half the battle when writing. This would suggest that nothing of any significance has happened in the last couple of days, which is probably not true, for President Trump is always proclaiming something or another on a daily basis.

More recently we have had a chemical attack on British soil, where as many as five hundred people may eventually be effected, one policeman seems as if he may pull through and the Russian spy and his daughter are still fighting for their lives and yet it feels as if nothing has happened.

I rather suspect there must have been other earth shattering events recently but we have become so blasé  after a couple of days we have forgotten them, I can hardly recall anything of note.

Except, perhaps;

Seventeen students killed in American school shooting.

Russian spy and daughter poisoned and fighting for their lives.

Bridge collapses in USA many killed.

Mass exodus in Syria, many more dead.

American helicopter crash, four dead.

Investigation into the death of Russian businessman, Nikola Glushkov.

Iraqi teen found guilty of London tube bombing.

Egyptian student Marian Moustafa dead after attack in Nottingham by group of women.

Stephen Hawkings theoretical physicist dies.

That's right, as I said, nothings happened, nothing at all!

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