Monday 27 January 2020

Motivational speakers.

What on earth is the purpose of motivational speakers, I’m just asking as I cannot see that they serve a useful purpose in life at all.

Admittedly my knowledge and contact with these people is somewhat limited, even so it seems to me that most of them are neither use nor ornament, as the old saying goes.

Image result for motivational speakers

Some of the lesser mortals of this species seem unable to motivate their way out of a paper bag, let alone motivate a room full of people to reach their goals and desires.

Perhaps, not quite the same thing but I had the misfortune to go to a meeting of a motivational speaker who was also selling a beauty product, a very strange experience to say the least.

From my point of view this fellow spoke for some three hours or more, I likened it to one of Hitler’s rousing speeches at Nuremberg and in the end perhaps 10% of the audience got up and bought the product.

The product in question reminded me of the snake oil salesmen of the old wild west, I wouldn’t say it was completely useless but it certainly was extremely overpriced, proving the point that you only have to fool half the people some of the time.

Myself, I have to admit I have a deep ingrained loathing of any sort of motivational salesman or woman for that matter as I am more than able enough to decide if I wish to purchase a product without having to sit through the Nuremberg rally and it was at this point that I made a hasty retreat before I lost the will to live completely.

1 comment:

  1. The information in the post you posted here is useful because it contains some of the best information available. Best Motivational Speakers In Pune. Thanks for sharing it. Keep up the good work.


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